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Women's Health




Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Menstrual Disorders


Hormone Imbalances

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Floor Prolapse

Women's Gynaecology

Its really  unacceptable that in todays society women are just 'putting up with' various gynaecological health conditions or totally disregarded by their Doctors and given medication to mask the symptoms, but not deal with the root cause. The false narrative that pain and dysfunctions (both physical, mental and emotional) are normal, they are not! Women suffering for years unnecessarily because know one wants to listen, or because 'that's normal for out family', is just not ok and we can and will do better.

Most women gynaecology health problems are due to a imbalance, within the body, which often is hormonal and progresses to physical and mental symptoms. As women it is important that we understand our bodies and cycles, and what options are available to us to make that chapter smoother.

Traditional medicine plays its role, but has many grey areas and side effects, that do not get mentioned, so if this is not the path for you, alternative medicine is a great natural option, that has practically no side effects but will leave you replenished, nourished, tonified and balanced, returning you back to your better self.

Traditional medicine has a tendency to medicate young women (contraceptive pill or other medications) this alters the menstrual cycle, Traditional Chinese Medicine understands that a women's cycle moves in 7 year time gaps (7-14 , 14 -21 and so on), and the early stages are pivotal times to development and long term health. 

It is important to nourish and nurture during this time, not suppress and alter, which leads on to more difficult health problems like heavy, painful, scanty periods and a difficult menopause.

Serene Serenity uses a mixture of acupuncture and herbs to bring the body back into balance, so that each stage of a women's 7 year cycle is smooth.


Northern College of Acupuncture in York, UK the Association of Acupuncture Clinicians the British Acupuncture Federation