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Acupuncture is a ancient healing practice that is over 2000 years old, discovered and developed in Asia and India and now practiced around the world. The theory of acupuncture is based on the natural healing and energy flow 'QI' of the body, which is within us all. Our Qi or energy flow maintains our body ' Yin and Yang', our  health and balance, ensuring we remain harmonised within ourselves. These energy channels can become stagnant or blocked by stress, physical or mental conditions, causing illness or pain within the body, restricting the body from releasing it naturally.

The insertion of hair thin needles (single use) are used in precise points around the body, that represents certain organs or body function, that set of a chain reaction along the nervous system, that signals the release of natural pain relief, happy and feel good hormones  and healing bio chemicals, that encourage the body to release the blockage and start the process of healing.

The benefits of Acupuncture frequently include the healing more than just the presenting condition, many patients report experiencing an increase in energy, better quality sleep, healthier appetite, reduces stress, anxiety and pain as well as a sense of an overall improved wellbeing. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of illnesses and health conditions, with great success. There are now scientific studies that support this.

Acupuncture for pain and inflammation conditions

Acupuncture is known for its great ability to successfully treating and reducing many pain and inflammation conditions. Long lasting results can be achieved by treating both the presenting condition as well as the underlying imbalances, acupuncture activates the body's healing response.

Pain and inflammation can cause  a person to be irritable, full of tension, sleep deprived and stressed. By relaxing the whole body and reducing the pain and inflammation, acupuncture provides a balance needed inorder to achieve long term results.

A course of 6 is usually recommended to ensure best results, but realistic time and results should be applied and allowed depending on condition and duration of condition.

Acupuncture for stress, emotional wellbeing, anxiety and depression

Acupuncture can be a wonderful tool for relieving the effects of emotional states and help you release any negative feelings and aid you in feeling better within yourself, there are many factors to a persons emotional state and many underlying conditions that also contribute. 

in todays world, we lead extremely switched on, hectic, stressful lives with high demands added to them. This often leads to us feeling low or fatigued, overwhelmed and under pressure causing us to develop mental and emotional conditions, that require extra help and support to get through.

Acupuncture can not stop these natural and life style conditions or demands occurring, but will help you through the healing process. A selection of points will help you to release, uplift, soothe, build up, calm, invigorate, stimulate and balance a person, depending on their presenting condition. 


Northern College of Acupuncture in York, UK the Association of Acupuncture Clinicians the British Acupuncture Federation